Research Articles

104 Million People of Faith—Including 32 Million Christian Regular Churchgoers—Projected to Abstain from Voting in November

As the final weeks of the 2024 presidential election campaign unfold, it appears that the outcome of the close race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will depend on which candidate does a more effective job of getting their supporters to vote. A new national survey by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University,

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Research Suggests Consequences of Anti-Biblical Worldview Often Misdiagnosed and Treated as Mental Illness

The latest worldview research from Dr. George Barna of the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University presents a chilling possibility: Hundreds of thousands of Americans are spending tens of millions of dollars and numerous hours investing in drugs and mental health solutions that are treating the wrong problem. Based on several recent studies exploring

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New Research Reveals the Limitations of Christianity Evangelicalism in American Society

The cultural awareness sparked by the COVID pandemic and the 2024 presidential campaign has led millions of Americans to realize just how depraved American society has become. Corrupt politicians, dishonest journalists and media outlets, broken social institutions, immoral religious leaders, unconstitutional government programs and policies, and more, have generated non-stop headlines highlighting the decadence of

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Explaining America’s 40-Year Drop in Biblical Worldview – And How to Reverse that Decline

Some people are perplexed by the consistently declining acceptance of biblical principles by the American population. Given that a person’s worldview is formed by the age of 13 and rarely experiences significant change after that point, how can one explain the decline in the incidence of adults possessing a biblical worldview? The answer is simple—“generational

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Millions of Americans Embrace Common Unbiblical Perspectives, Survey Shows

More than two-thirds of Americans say they are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country today. Yet few of them pause from their busy schedules long enough to consider that the problems they see are the result of increasing numbers of American adults making decisions based on shifting foundational beliefs and values.

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America Needs Spiritual Renewal More than a Political Majority

As increasing attention shifts to the approaching 2024 election, many Americans hope that the next leader of the nation will restore unity to our divided country. A new survey conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, however, suggests that such an outcome is improbable. Regardless of who the candidates are, and who

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Children Reject Basic Bible Views

America’s preteen children are following in the unfortunate spiritual footsteps of the generations that have preceded them. New research released by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University shows that the foundational beliefs held by 8- to-12-year-olds put them on track to abandon biblical Christianity in record numbers. Core Beliefs Rejected Five beliefs central

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The Pathway for Children to Become ‘Spiritual Champions’ 

In his new book, Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind and Soul, veteran researcher and author George Barna describes an effective starting place for shaping the minds and lives of children if the goal is to guide them toward being disciples of Jesus Christ. Barna shares both descriptive data as well as essential,

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Key Insights for Raising the Next Generation of ‘Spiritual Champions’ 

Very few of today’s parents, who have the primary responsibility to disciple their children, even have that task on their parenting radar. In fact, more than two years of research show that during their child’s most important worldview development window, the overwhelming majority of parents tend to delegate many basic parenting tasks to “experts”—with increasingly

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How the Pandemic Reshaped Christian Beliefs and Behaviors

We are learning more about the effects of COVID-19 on the religious faith of Americans, and a new research report from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University identifies a series of significant shifts in people’s beliefs and behaviors during the pandemic. Noteworthy changes were found in church attendance, church affiliation, and core beliefs,

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U.S. Adult Generations Vary in Spiritual Responses to Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic affected the lives of every American—but it did not affect everyone in the same way, or to the same degree. Newly released data from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University based on the American Worldview Inventory 2023 shows that the four adult generations in the United States— Millennials, Gen X

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How the Faith of Americans Has Shifted Since the Start of the Pandemic

The impact of the pandemic is still being felt in many ways. The deadly virus and the government actions it caused have affected many aspects of people’s lives, When it comes to faith, the shifts for Americans are both negative and positive. The first national post-pandemic study of Americans’ worldview has found that not only

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Research Identifies the Best Starting Point for Developing a Biblical Worldview 

Dr. George Barna, Director of Research Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University Release Date: March 14, 2023 Bible-driven Christians have a responsibility to live in harmony with biblical principles and to help shape the worldview of their children in accordance with those same principles. Many adults, however, consider that challenge to be overwhelming. They

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The Interplay Between Beliefs and Values

Yet whether we recognize it or not, research shows there is a powerful relationship between what we believe and how we decide what is important in our lives. In other words, our worldview—how we experience, interpret, and respond to the world around us—deeply influences our values. This is one of the most common and inescapable

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A Different Take on the Midterm Election

Try to imagine a nationwide event that involves more than 100 million active participants and boasts in excess of $18 billion spent by the featured performers—and is widely considered to be a disappointment (if not a failure) based on the performance of the featured players and their organizations. That’s one take on the 2022 midterm

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A National Moment of Truth: Whose Vision and Values Will Prevail?

With the midterm election only a few weeks away—and early voting about the begin in some states—recent national research by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University offers insights into the kind of government and types of elected leaders Americans desire. According to the America’s Values Study, Americans are longing for a return of

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America’s Values Identify Possible Means to National Unity

Recent national surveys have reported that Americans no longer trust most politicians or either of the major political parties, and believe the media are fanning the flames of division. Americans also believe the country is moving in the wrong direction and fear for the future of the nation’s democracy. Add the ravages of inflation and

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Non-Denominational Pastors Far More Likely to Hold – Biblical Views than All Other Denomination’s Pastors

Earlier this year, research from the American Worldview Inventory 2022, conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, revealed that just 37% of Christian pastors have a biblical worldview. This latest report analyzes that research across major U.S. denominations, showing that the loss of biblical belief is prevalent among pastors in all denominational

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Post-Dobbs, Survey Explains Adoption Perspectives of Prospective Mothers

With the recent Dobbs v. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization decision rendered by the U.S. Supreme Court, returning abortion policy to the people and their elected officials, the insights regarding women’s personal decision-making when it comes to pregnancy obtained from a recent national survey, conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University and commissioned

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Top 10 ‘Most Seductive Unbiblical Ideas’ Embraced by Americans

The American public flaunts its free will in many ways, not the least of which is by embracing a number of seductive—but decidedly unbiblical beliefs—as part of their worldview. According to new analysis of data from the American Worldview Inventory 2021 from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, the “Top 10” most prevalent

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Only Half of Evangelical Pastors Possess a Biblical Worldview – Incidence Even Lower for Most Denominations

Subsequent to revealing that the American Worldview Inventory 2022 found just 37% of Christian pastors have a biblical worldview, the alarming findings were dismissed by some as not surprising given the degree of “wokeness” that has invaded Christian churches. “What would be shocking,” opined one pastor, “would be if the numbers were low among evangelical

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Shocking Results Concerning the Worldview of Christian Pastors

People have many expectations of pastors of Christian churches. One of those expectations is that pastors possess a philosophy of life that largely reflects biblical principles, a perspective commonly called a biblical worldview. But a new nationwide survey among a representative sample of America’s Christian pastors shows that a large majority of those pastors do

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Improving Parents’ Ability to Raise Spiritual Champions

To paraphrase Albert Einstein, America will not solve its parenting crisis—only 2% of parents of preteens have a biblical worldview, and very few parents are focused on intentionally developing the worldview of their children—by continuing the same parenting approach that caused the problems. Restated in more familiar words, we cannot keep doing the same things

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A Detailed Look at How the Worldview of Parents of Preteens Misses the Mark

Nobody understands the dynamics of tragic crashes better than the airline industry. The lessons they have learned from studying crashes over the years has applications to the current state of parenting. Those lessons suggest that parents of preteens are on a dangerous trajectory. For example, the Boeing 737 Max 8 was a technologically sophisticated jet,

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The Strengths and Weaknesses of What Pre-Teen Parents Believe and Do

A mere 2% of the parents of children under 13 possess a biblical worldview, according to new research from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. Obviously, parents cannot pass on a worldview that they do not embrace. And as gatekeepers in the life of their children, the research makes clear that parents are

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The Worldview Dilemma of American Parents

Every adult has a worldview. That worldview is typically fully developed and operational before a person becomes a teenager. Few people would deny the fact that parents play a significant role in the shaping of their children’s worldview. But there’s a problem. New research from the American Worldview Inventory 2022, conducted by the Cultural Research

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Indifference to God, Jesus, and the Bible Drives Millennials’ Faith

Millennials are struggling to develop positive, lasting relationships—and these relational difficulties are likely tied to increasing levels of emotional and mental health issues young Americans report experiencing on a regular basis. These deep struggles may be combining into a generational “perfect storm,” in which Millennials are bringing about a virtual revolution as they delay (and

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Emotional and Mental Health Issues Hinder Millennial Relationships

Millennials are struggling to develop positive, lasting relationships—and these relational difficulties are likely tied to increasing levels of emotional and mental health issues young Americans report experiencing on a regular basis. These deep struggles may be combining into a generational “perfect storm,” in which Millennials are bringing about a virtual revolution as they delay (and

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What Americans Find Attractive about Marxism

An alarming number of U.S. adults—especially younger Americans—are embracing key tenets of the Marxist worldview, including negative views of private property, individual economic success, and traditional moral values. According to new research from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, America’s increasing rejection of objective truth and loss of the biblical worldview has created

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What Does It Mean When People Say They Are “Christian”

When someone says they are an American, the meaning of that term is clear. Someone who claims to be a policeman leaves little doubt as to their job. But when people describe themselves as “Christian,” what does that mean? The latest report from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University shows that the meaning

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Introducing America’s Most Popular Worldview—Moralistic Therapeutic Deism

Everyone has a worldview. Nobody has a pure worldview.The most common worldview among Americans is Syncretism, which isn’t a true worldview but rather a collection of disparate worldview elements blended into a customized philosophy of life.And the latest insight from the nation’s largest, ongoing worldview research project reveals that the worldview Americans are most likely

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Millennials Seek a Nation Without God, Bible and Churches

It is not uncommon to find substantial differences in lifestyle choices across generations. Worldview preferences are no different. The American Worldview Inventory 2021, the annual survey of the philosophy of life held by American adults, conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, did find some worldview similarities across generations. Specifically: The dominant

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President Biden’s Supporters Less Likely to Hold Biblical Worldview

President Biden’s base of supporters is 60% less likely to hold the biblical worldview than other Americans, and although nearly two-thirds (65%) of those voters consider themselves to be Christian, many of their religious beliefs and policy positions are at odds with the views of most Americans and with traditional biblical teaching. The latest findings

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America’s Thirst for Socialism Has Plummeted

Support for socialism in the United States is at its lowest level in years—with less than a third of all American adults (32%) preferring socialism to capitalism in the wake of the 2020 election—after reaching a peak of 41% of U.S. adults only two years earlier. The latest findings from the 2020 Post-Election Survey from

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Restoring America by Reframing Its Worldview

(Glendale, AZ) – The 2020 election is simply the latest example of the worldview war that is ripping America apart. While that conflict is portrayed in a variety of ways—divergent political ideologies, opposing religious beliefs and practices, competing lifestyle preferences— do not be deceived. In America we are experiencing an intensification of the battle for

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American Christians are Redefining the Faith: Adherents Creating New Worldviews Loosely Tied to Biblical Teaching

Over the past three centuries more than 200 denominations have launched Christian churches in America based on differences in doctrine, theology and practice. All of them claim to be motivated by the pursuit of biblical integrity. Americans who think of themselves as Christian have followed in those entrepreneurial footsteps, essentially customizing Christianity to their liking

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Millennials Have Radically Different Beliefs About Respect, Faith, and America

Millennials have been singled out by many analysts as a generation disinterested in traditional American beliefs, values, and behaviors. The groundbreaking American Worldview Inventory 2020 (AWVI 2020) from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University reported earlier this year that Millennials are far less likely than people of other generations to possess a biblical

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2020: The Worldview Election

“The 2020 election is not about personalities, parties, or even politics. It is an election to determine the dominant worldview in America.” That is one of the key conclusions drawn by researcher and bestselling author George Barna, based on results from the American Worldview Inventory 2020. That extensive, groundbreaking survey from the Cultural Research Center

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Americans Views of Sin and Salvation

Just Have Faith The context for the changing views on faith in America is exemplified by the fact that almost two out of every three adults (63%) say that having some type of religious faith is more important than which faith a person aligns with. Shockingly, a large majority of people who describe themselves as

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Survey: Majority of Americans No Longer See Human Life as ‘Sacred,’ Yet See Humanity as ‘Basically Good’

At a recent fundraiser, likely Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden claimed that “10 to 15 percent” of Americans are “just not very good people” in a nation filled with individuals that are good and virtuous. The American Worldview Inventory 2020, the groundbreaking survey by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, indicates that Biden’s

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Survey Finds America’s Traditional Moral Pillars are Fading Away

With six out of ten adults now contending that there are no moral absolutes, it’s not surprising that traditional moral choices are being redefined. What may be unexpected is the way in which Americans are making their moral and ethical decisions. Sources of Moral Guidance Source Of Moral Guidance Question: When you have an important

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Survey Finds Americans See Many Sources of Truth—and Reject Moral Absolutes

When Pontius Pilate, the Roman official who allowed Jesus Christ to be unjustly crucified, was interrogating Christ, he famously ended their exchange by asking, “What is truth?” According to newly released results from the American Worldview Inventory 2020, Americans are still wrestling with that question. Findings from the survey, conducted by Dr. George Barna and

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God Is Absent from Most People’s Views of Purpose and Success

As reliance upon and trust in the Bible has diminished, Americans’ perceptions of life and the supernatural have taken some unorthodox turns. Further evidence of that trend is found in the latest report based on the American Worldview Inventory 2020. The nationwide survey undertaken by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University shows that

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Virus Shifts Perceptions of the Most Important National Issues

How will the COVID-19 pandemic, which has already radically altered lifestyles and economic realities in America, affect the upcoming presidential election? One piece of that puzzle relates to the issues that voters consider most important, and which candidate they believe will do a better job addressing those issues. Ziklag has helped to answer that question

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Americans Continue to Redefine – and Reject – God

Half of all American adults believe that their money contains a lie. That’s one conclusion you might draw from a new report based on a nationwide survey conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. Every piece of paper currency printed in the United States contains the words, “In God We Trust.” The

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America’s Distrust of the Bible Undermines Its Worldview

The big picture about the incidence of biblical worldview in the United States – that just 6% of adults have that perspective – stems from some dramatic shifts in the relationship between peoples’ faith and their worldview. The most incredible changes relate to how Americans view the Bible. These insights come from the first annual

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Dangerously Few Americans Possess a Biblical Worldview

A new national survey about the worldview of Americans shows that although seven out of ten Americans consider themselves to be Christian, just 6% have a biblical worldview. The study was conducted in January by veteran researcher George Barna of the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. The survey was administered to a nationally

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Mid-Term Election Update: No Blue Wave, But No Red Wave Either

While 2018 is a major election year, many states have had their primary elections yet. But as the November General Election draws closer, the nature of this year’s “mid-term” election is taking shape. A new survey by the non-partisan American Culture and Faith Institute, directed by George Barna, provides some new insights into where things

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Americans Favor Capitalism, Tempted by Socialism, Ill-Informed About Both

Surveys sometimes reveal frightening or shocking things that Americans believe. A new survey by the American Culture & Faith Institute provides such a stunning insight. Four out of ten American adults (40%) claim that they prefer socialism to capitalism. That means, of course, that about six out of ten prefer capitalism to socialism. However, the

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The Disengaged Are Destroying America

There is no shortage of emotion on the part of the two-thirds of American adults who harbor strong feelings about the condition and direction of the country. During the past decade, in particular, activist conservatives and liberals have been feverishly pushing their ideals and desires for the nation in full view of the public. The

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Americans Say We’re Generally on the “Wrong Track”

America’s clash of worldviews is clearly portrayed in a new survey by the American Culture & Faith Institute (ACFI). It is no surprise that most adults believe the United States is not moving in the right direction. Since the 1980s, surveys evaluating such perceptions have typically found that most Americans believed the nation was “moving

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People Of Faith Review Trump’s First Year

Donald Trump has just completed the most closely scrutinized, subjectively reported, and widely criticized first year in the White House of any President in memory. Research indicates that the media have consistently provided Americans with an overwhelmingly negative assessment of his first-year efforts. Despite such lopsided evaluations by journalists, the American people have a less

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Patriotism Looks Different to Christians

During the course of this decade, the concept of patriotism has been the subject of intense conversation – and disagreement. New nationwide research conducted by the American Culture & Faith Institute reveals that Americans’ ideas about patriotism are greatly influenced by factors such as their religious faith, age, political ideology, and race – but not

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Survey: Christians Are Not Spreading The Gospel

The holidays are a time when many people are more attuned to religion and Christians are more prone to sharing the gospel with non-believers – or are they? That note of doubt arises from new research released by the American Culture & Faith Institute (ACFI) showing that surprisingly few adults – including born again Christians

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Liberals More Committed Than Conservatives

There is good news and bad news for conservatives. The good news is that conservatives are more likely than liberals to believe there is a culture war underway. The even better news for the Right is that SAGE Cons are the single most attentive and active group when it comes to engaging in that culture

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Americans Confused About Abortion

The seminal Supreme Court ruling on abortion, known as Roe v. Wade, was handed down in 1973. One might expect Americans to have developed clear and consistent views on abortion during the intervening 45 years, but new research from the American Culture & Faith Institute (ACFI) suggests the opposite. The fact that more than 54

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Are Christians Guilty of Identity Politics?

The social upheaval that has characterized America over the past decade is closely related to the rise of what is known as “identity politics” – the practice of organizing a distinct social or political constituency around a cause, a sense of threatened existence, the perceived loss of opportunities or influence, or a set of ideals.

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Faith Minimally Affects Death Penalty Views

The use of the death penalty has had a long and controversial history in the United States. Hundreds of lawsuits have been brought against states and the federal government to challenge the constitutionality of the death sentence and the procedures involved in executions of convicted murderers who receive the death sentence. The United States Supreme

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Americans Worried About Children

It is often said that children represent the future of a country. If that is true, then Americans have reason to be concerned about the future of the nation. A new nationwide survey among adults conducted by the American Culture and Faith Institute (ACFI) raises questions about how children are being raised, the conditions they

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