Americans Say We’re Generally on the “Wrong Track”

America’s clash of worldviews is clearly portrayed in a new survey by the American Culture & Faith Institute (ACFI). It is no surprise that most adults believe the United States is not moving in the right direction. Since the 1980s, surveys evaluating such perceptions have typically found that most Americans believed the nation was “moving … Read more

People Of Faith Review Trump’s First Year

Donald Trump has just completed the most closely scrutinized, subjectively reported, and widely criticized first year in the White House of any President in memory. Research indicates that the media have consistently provided Americans with an overwhelmingly negative assessment of his first-year efforts. Despite such lopsided evaluations by journalists, the American people have a less … Read more

Patriotism Looks Different to Christians

During the course of this decade, the concept of patriotism has been the subject of intense conversation – and disagreement. New nationwide research conducted by the American Culture & Faith Institute reveals that Americans’ ideas about patriotism are greatly influenced by factors such as their religious faith, age, political ideology, and race – but not … Read more

Survey: Christians Are Not Spreading The Gospel

The holidays are a time when many people are more attuned to religion and Christians are more prone to sharing the gospel with non-believers – or are they? That note of doubt arises from new research released by the American Culture & Faith Institute (ACFI) showing that surprisingly few adults – including born again Christians … Read more

Liberals More Committed Than Conservatives

There is good news and bad news for conservatives. The good news is that conservatives are more likely than liberals to believe there is a culture war underway. The even better news for the Right is that SAGE Cons are the single most attentive and active group when it comes to engaging in that culture … Read more

Americans Confused About Abortion

The seminal Supreme Court ruling on abortion, known as Roe v. Wade, was handed down in 1973. One might expect Americans to have developed clear and consistent views on abortion during the intervening 45 years, but new research from the American Culture & Faith Institute (ACFI) suggests the opposite. The fact that more than 54 … Read more

Are Christians Guilty of Identity Politics?

The social upheaval that has characterized America over the past decade is closely related to the rise of what is known as “identity politics” – the practice of organizing a distinct social or political constituency around a cause, a sense of threatened existence, the perceived loss of opportunities or influence, or a set of ideals. … Read more

Faith Minimally Affects Death Penalty Views

The use of the death penalty has had a long and controversial history in the United States. Hundreds of lawsuits have been brought against states and the federal government to challenge the constitutionality of the death sentence and the procedures involved in executions of convicted murderers who receive the death sentence. The United States Supreme … Read more

Americans Worried About Children

It is often said that children represent the future of a country. If that is true, then Americans have reason to be concerned about the future of the nation. A new nationwide survey among adults conducted by the American Culture and Faith Institute (ACFI) raises questions about how children are being raised, the conditions they … Read more