CRC’s Barna Describes Faith and Cultural Trends Likely to Emerge in 2025

(GLENDALE, AZ) – With the return of Donald Trump to the White House and the Republican Party holding the majority in both chambers of Congress, 2025 promises to be a year of significant political change. But the transitions will not emanate solely from Washington, D.C. According to Dr. George Barna, the veteran researcher who heads … Read more

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Decisive Christian Vote Carries Trump to Historic Victory, Post-Election Research Shows

Post-election reports attribute the landslide victory of Donald Trump to various population segments,  most notably young adults and Hispanics. Realistically, those groups were helpful but hardly  indispensable to the Trump triumph.   The one segment that has gotten virtually no attention from the media are Christians. Simply put,  among self-identified Christians, President Trump won a 56% … Read more

104 Million People of Faith—Including 32 Million Christian Regular Churchgoers—Projected to Abstain from Voting in November

As the final weeks of the 2024 presidential election campaign unfold, it appears that the outcome of the close race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will depend on which candidate does a more effective job of getting their supporters to vote. A new national survey by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, … Read more

Research Suggests Consequences of Anti-Biblical Worldview Often Misdiagnosed and Treated as Mental Illness

The latest worldview research from Dr. George Barna of the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University presents a chilling possibility: Hundreds of thousands of Americans are spending tens of millions of dollars and numerous hours investing in drugs and mental health solutions that are treating the wrong problem. Based on several recent studies exploring … Read more

New Research Reveals the Limitations of Evangelicalism in American Society

The cultural awareness sparked by the COVID pandemic and the 2024 presidential campaign has led millions of Americans to realize just how depraved American society has become. Corrupt politicians, dishonest journalists and media outlets, broken social institutions, immoral religious leaders, unconstitutional government programs and policies, and more, have generated non-stop headlines highlighting the decadence of … Read more

Explaining America’s 40-Year Drop in Biblical Worldview – And How to Reverse that Decline

Some people are perplexed by the consistently declining acceptance of biblical principles by the American population. Given that a person’s worldview is formed by the age of 13 and rarely experiences significant change after that point, how can one explain the decline in the incidence of adults possessing a biblical worldview? The answer is simple—“generational … Read more

America Needs Spiritual Renewal More than a Political Majority

As increasing attention shifts to the approaching 2024 election, many Americans hope that the next leader of the nation will restore unity to our divided country. A new survey conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, however, suggests that such an outcome is improbable. Regardless of who the candidates are, and who … Read more

Children Reject Basic Bible Views

America’s preteen children are following in the unfortunate spiritual footsteps of the generations that have preceded them. New research released by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University shows that the foundational beliefs held by 8- to-12-year-olds put them on track to abandon biblical Christianity in record numbers. Core Beliefs Rejected Five beliefs central … Read more

The Pathway for Children to Become ‘Spiritual Champions’ 

In his new book, Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind and Soul, veteran researcher and author George Barna describes an effective starting place for shaping the minds and lives of children if the goal is to guide them toward being disciples of Jesus Christ. Barna shares both descriptive data as well as essential, … Read more