Strategic Discipleship is Key to Shaping Children into Spiritual Champions  

A parent’s #1 job is to disciple their children, which means being a model and mentor to help them think like Jesus so they can act like Jesus throughout their lives.   But new research from veteran researcher Dr. George Barna in his book, Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind and Soul, finds that … Read more

Key Insights for Raising the Next Generation of ‘Spiritual Champions’ 

Very few of today’s parents, who have the primary responsibility to disciple their children, even have that task on their parenting radar. In fact, more than two years of research show that during their child’s most important worldview development window, the overwhelming majority of parents tend to delegate many basic parenting tasks to “experts”—with increasingly … Read more

How the Pandemic Reshaped Christian Beliefs and Behaviors

We are learning more about the effects of COVID-19 on the religious faith of Americans, and a new research report from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University identifies a series of significant shifts in people’s beliefs and behaviors during the pandemic. Noteworthy changes were found in church attendance, church affiliation, and core beliefs, … Read more

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U.S. Adult Generations Vary in Spiritual Responses to Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic affected the lives of every American—but it did not affect everyone in the same way, or to the same degree. Newly released data from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University based on the American Worldview Inventory 2023 shows that the four adult generations in the United States— Millennials, Gen X … Read more

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How the Faith of Americans Has Shifted Since the Start of the Pandemic

The impact of the pandemic is still being felt in many ways. The deadly virus and the government actions it caused have affected many aspects of people’s lives, When it comes to faith, the shifts for Americans are both negative and positive. The first national post-pandemic study of Americans’ worldview has found that not only … Read more

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Research Identifies the Best Starting Point for Developing a Biblical Worldview 

Dr. George Barna, Director of Research Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University Release Date: March 14, 2023 Bible-driven Christians have a responsibility to live in harmony with biblical principles and to help shape the worldview of their children in accordance with those same principles. Many adults, however, consider that challenge to be overwhelming. They … Read more

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Incidence of Biblical Worldview Shows Significant Change Since the Start of the Pandemic 

Dr. George Barna, Director of Research Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University Release Date: February 28, 2023 The COVID-19 lockdowns and lifestyle changes that began in early 2020 provided Americans with an opportunity to spend more time doing things their hectic, on-the-go lives precluded, such as reading the Bible. But it appears that as … Read more

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The Interplay Between Beliefs and Values

Yet whether we recognize it or not, research shows there is a powerful relationship between what we believe and how we decide what is important in our lives. In other words, our worldview—how we experience, interpret, and respond to the world around us—deeply influences our values. This is one of the most common and inescapable … Read more

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A Different Take on the Midterm Election

Try to imagine a nationwide event that involves more than 100 million active participants and boasts in excess of $18 billion spent by the featured performers—and is widely considered to be a disappointment (if not a failure) based on the performance of the featured players and their organizations. That’s one take on the 2022 midterm … Read more

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Current View of ‘Traditional Moral Values’ Excludes ‘Biblical Morality’

One of the hallmarks of America is the concept of traditional moral values. That body of moral standards serves as one of the foundations on which the nation was built. Until recently there was no argument that those moral standards—i.e., the basis of determining right from wrong— were derived from biblical principles. As the nation … Read more